About Me:

I am a professional Pet Groomer. I have been grooming for 28 years. This Blog is a kind of diary of my work. I wish I had started years ago, writing some of the experiences I have had while grooming. Most days are fun, some can be sad, some can be just down right crazy. If you are a pet owner and come across this blog, I hope it helps you understand how your pet is groomed. If you are a Pet Groomer, I hope you can relate to some of the stories. Maybe even learn a grooming tip or can leave a friendly grooming tip for me. There is always something to learn, no matter how long you have been grooming.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Continuing Education

Heading off to Hershey, PA after work tomorrow to continue my Grooming Education.
There is always more to learn, no matter how long you have been grooming.
The Groom Expo is a great trade show, with many educational seminars. If you are a groomer, and a grooming expo ever comes your way, it is well worth your time and money.
I plan on having a ton of pictures when I get back.
Happy Grooming,MFF

1 comment:

  1. There doesnt seem to be any grooming schools, classes or anything near my town :( Hopefully something will pop up... -Kay
